Summary of the Poem “The Rain” written by W.H.Davies

Summary of the Poem “The Rain” written by W.H.Davies About the Poet: William Henry Davies (1871-1940) was a famous Welsh poet and author. He was a tramp, for the significant part of his life. His writings, embedded in realism, revolve around the themes of nature, hardships of life, city life and life of a tramp. His sent his first collection of poems “The Soul’s Destroyer” to prominent writers like George Bernard Shaw , who responded Davies generously. W.H. Davies famous works include Leisure, The Rain, The Inquest, and The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp, Young Emma, The True Traveller and Tramp. Davies was awarded an honorary degree of a doctorate from the University of Wales and a plaque at the Church House Inn in Newport, Wales as a result of his literary fame. Summary: “Rain is refreshing, and sunshine is delicious”. “The Rain”...